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Bumps Around The Penis

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These whitish bumps appear on the glans (head) of the penis or along the edge of the glans in many guys. Pimples, cysts, ingrown hairs and papules won’t do any harm — though if you try to pop them they could get infected .

Bumps on the penis As best I can tell from the picture, it looks like you may even have 2 conditions. Some of the lesions look like genital warts but one or two look like molluscum.

Bumps on pubic area and penis Some of the lesions in the picture look like warts, while others look like molluscum contagiosum, both are superficial skin viruses and can be treated with liquid nitrogen and/or a variety of creams.

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Dear What’s a normal penis?, Bumpy or not, it’s not easy to say what a normal penis should look like. Pencil thin, large headed, short and round, girthy, and many more descriptions apply to many body parts, including the penis, as bodies may vary widely from person to person.

The bumps on his penis could also be sebaceous cysts of hair follicles or an allergic reaction, both of which are harmless and noncontagious.

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Lichen planus is a rare skin condition characterized by raised, flat, violet-colored bumps on the glans of the penis. The bumps sometimes have fine white streaks and a smooth surface. The lesions often appear in a ring or a line and may or may not be itchy.

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Which STDs cause penis bumps? Some penis bumps are caused by sexually transmitted diseases. Herpes simplex 2 (HSV-2), known as HSV-2, is the most common sexual cause of bumps on or around the penis. HSV-1 and HSV-2 both cause genital herpes. Human papillomavirus (HPV) can also cause bumps or sores in the genital region.

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Clinically, syringoma on the penis appear as small asymptomatic yellow-brown or skin-colored bumps that may be localized on back or lateral surface of shaft of penis. Syringoma are harmless lesion and no treatment is required.

The bumps can sometimes go all the way around the rim of the head of the penis, and the bumps can form multiple rows around the head of the penis. These bumps (or papules ) are completely normal and not a sign of infection or uncleanliness.

Question. Im a 21 male. A coupld months ago i found a few red pimple like bumps around the base of my penis. I shaved before i saw them and was at …

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