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Cures For Dry Mouth

Dry mouth occurs when your salivary glands don’t produce as much saliva as you’d normally need, leaving you with an uncomfortably dry mouth. Aside from the discomfort, the condition also puts you at risk for dental conditions like tooth decay and periodontal (gum) disease. Dry mouth can develop for

Long-term relief from your dry mouth may mean stopping or changing your medication or its dosage, or addressing underlying health issues. With Thomas J. Salinas, D.D.S.

Treatment. Your treatment depends on the cause of your dry mouth. Your doctor or dentist may: Change medications that cause dry mouth. If your doctor believes medication to be the cause, he or she may adjust your dosage or switch you to another medication that doesn’t cause a dry mouth.

Treatment for dry mouth depends on what is causing the problem. Generally, treatment of a dry mouth focuses on three areas: If you have dry mouth, your dentist or doctor may recommend the use of

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One drawback to dry mouth is halitosis. Freshen up with some Home Remedies for Bad Breath. Treat the causes of dry mouth by reading Home Remedies for Dehydration. Bad breath, dehydration and dry skin are a pain. Check out a few ways to treat that itchy feeling in Home Remedies for Dry Skin.

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That issue is known as dry mouth. Though, you don’t have to live in the desert to know what chapped lips, dehydration, and lack of saliva feels like. Whether you live next to great saguaros or are experiencing a harsh winter, dry mouth can plague you.

Some of the symptoms of dry mouth include a parched feeling in the mouth, thick or stringy saliva, a rough tongue, excessive thirst, mouth sores, bad breath, loss of taste, cracked lips and difficulty chewing, speaking or swallowing. Dry mouth can be very irritating, particularly due to the sticky feeling in the mouth.

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May 16, 2018 · Dry mouth is a common temporary occurrence, but a chronic condition should be addressed urgently. Without saliva to protect your mouth, you are at much higher risk of cavities and gum disease. Dry mouth is not an ordinary effect of aging, so make an effort to find the underlying cause.

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Your mouth is exposed to many things throughout the day; as you breathe in and out, your mouth is exposed to large amounts of air and contaminants that can simply create problems from within. Dry mouth is a problem that occurs when your salivary glands aren’t working as efficiently as they should be, but do not be alarmed, this is generally something that can come and go with time.

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Dry mouth is a problem that occurs when your salivary glands aren’t working as efficiently as they should be, but do not be alarmed, this is generally something that can come and go with time. For some people, dryness in the mouth can be burdensome and even slightly painful, but symptoms tend to vary for each person.

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