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Dative In Russian

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Russian Dative Case (The indirect object) The dative case is used in Russian for the indirect object of a sentence. In the sentence "Adam gave flowers to Anna", the word "Anna" should be in the dative case.

The dative case is associated with motion towards a goal or destination and that meaning is reflected in the only two dative prepositions in Russian: к(о)+Dat and по+Dat.

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Грамматика Dative Case with Certain Verbs and Prepositions Verbs that take the Dative Case The Dative Case is used to indicate a receiver of the action of certain intransitive verbs (i.e. verbs which do not take a direct object in Russian).

The dative expresses an action directed towards a person or an object. Usually – but not always – it is expressed in English with the aid of the preposition "to" in answer to ком у? (to whom?); чем у? (to what?). In a few instances, the dative expresses a feeling, or a state, rather than an action.

In Russian if we speak about someone’s age we use the Dative case form for the person mentioned. The same rule works for the places and things: Этому городу 800 лет (This city is 800 y.o.) Этой шубе уже 15 лет (This fur coat is already 15 y.o.) These are just several examples when to …

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The lessons related to the Dative case in the Russian language. Every lesson comes along with an audio file recorded by a native Russian speaker. 090 – Practice: the Genitive, the Dative …

Here we will concentrate on the plural forms of nouns in the Dative case in Russian! We are going to remember when this case is used and then get to the forms and the endings Russian nouns get

The dative case is an oblique case. It is used in the sentences like "Я даю это учителю, отцу, матери" (I give this to a teacher, man, mother). You should easily remember this sentence, because the Russian name of the dative comes from the verb "давать" , i.e. "to give" .

Of all Russian prepositions, по is the vaguest: it can call three difference cases as a preposition, it’s commonly seen as a prefix in the perfective aspect of verbs, and has seven broad categories of meaning when it calls the dative case:

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1. По+Dat. The most prominent preposition governing the dative case is по+Dat.This preposition has no corresponding preposition in English and so it is the most frustrating of all the Russian prepositions for English-speakers to learn.

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