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Gay Catholic Bishops

Gay Catholic Bishops 6

Bishop Robert McElroy may have thought he was bringing good news Monday to 330 Roman Catholics attending the first of a series of "listening sessions" on the phile priest issue.

N., an exceptionally well-informed lay Catholic, tells me that there are two basic tribes of gay bishops and priests. The first tribe is the Progressives — some sexually active, others not

Gay Catholic Bishops 111

Gay Catholic Bishops 40

Frank talk from a Catholic bishop who is tired of avoiding the elephant in the sacristy. Politics; But Bishop Morlino is right about the gay subculture within the priesthood. Exposing it and

Gay Catholic Bishops 62

Gay Catholic Bishops 53

N., an exceptionally well-informed lay Catholic, tells me that there are two basic tribes of gay bishops and priests. The first tribe is the Progressives — some sexually active, others not

Half of Priests and Bishops Are Gay As much as half of priests and bishops are homosexual. estimates from assorted experts put the number of Catholic priests dying from the disease at as high

A Report on the Crisis in the Catholic Church in the United States authored by the National Review Board for the Protection of ren; Established by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. And The Report of the survey of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

Gay Catholic Bishops 69

Gay Catholic Bishops 44

Yesterday, Bondings 2.0 covered recent comments by several U.S. bishops that tried to link homosexuality with clergy sexual . Today’s post offers commentaries from Catholics who either pushed back against such bishops or who have offered a more positive assessment about gay priests and the crisis.

In that essay, Oko alleged homosexual priests and bishops had d seminarians, teenagers, and ren and that there was a gay mafia of powerful clerics protecting these men.

A Catholic Bishop has said that homosexuality is just as sinful as paedophilia. Robert Morlino, Bishop of the Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin, conflated the and of thousands of ren

Gay Catholic Bishops 76

Gay Catholic Bishops 60

Gay Catholic Bishops 54

A Catholic Bishop has said that homosexuality is just as sinful as paedophilia. Robert Morlino, Bishop of the Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin, conflated the and of thousands of ren

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