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Why Do Fat People Smell Bad

fat people really do smell bad! REALLY, REALLY BAD! Every one of those folds of flesh is worse than an armpit – arms get lifted up and the armpits occasionally get aired out …

May 24, 2012 · I never realized how bad really fat people smelled until today. They just smell like fat people. It’s a smell unto its own. myxomatosis8, May 22, …

Step 3. Apply an antiperspirant and deodorant to your underarms. Antiperspirants stop you from sweating, and deodorants neutralize odor caused by bacteria so the two in combination are most effective against body odor, according to the Mayo Clinic.

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Overweight people tend to have more skin folds and overlapping areas of skin that rub together, and these fatty places cause bad odors. Because of the decreased airflow around these areas there’s more sweating, and when sweat mixes with bacteria it causes an unpleasant smell.

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Jan 09, 2017 · People who are overweight may have folds in their skin, which are breeding grounds for bacteria. This is common with diabetics — whose problems with smell …

Oct 09, 2008 · Now speaking of fat people, not all overweight / obese people smell bad, .there are some that actually have good hygiene there are however some fat people who do let off a foul odor of stink which i think they don’t care if they smell, or they’re just immune to it.

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Nov 25, 2009 · i could imagine that for an obese person but even people i know what are only 15-20 pounds overweight smell bad too Maybe it is because most fat people even 15-20 lbs over are lazy as hell. So they lay around all day, eat food, dont shower cuz its too much work to get up.

The gas-like odor omitted by overweight people can also be caused by microbes that live in our body and more specifically in our digestive tract. When asking "why do fat people smell", think about how many more microbes must be present in an overweight person. The microbes are linked with bacteria that fester in the gut.

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23 Obese People Reveal The Struggles Only They Can Understand. By hoK leahciM, June 23rd 2014. Comment; 23 Obese People Reveal The Struggles Only They Can Understand is cataloged in AskReddit, Fat, Health, Health & Wellness, Being fat sucked so much. I’m 5’5″ and the heaviest I have ever been is 180lbs.

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Working as a phlebotomist (person who draws blood for blood tests) I would be in close proximity to overweight-obese people a lot. I notice that if an overweight-obese person out the effort into being clean and presentable they didn’t noticeably smell. But if they didn’t they would smell really bad.

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