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Why Do Gay Men Lisp

Why Do Gay Men Lisp 113

not all gay men speak with a gay lisp and some heterosexual men have a lisp It’s just something that strongly associated with the gay community. The color pink is commonly associated with little teens, but it wasn’t always that way – cultural norms change.

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Oct 25, 2012 · i have a lisp and im not gay. i dont have 2 teeth so i have to wear a retainer with fake teeth on them until i get surgery and that makes me have a lisp. not everyone is gay…

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Why Do Gay Men Lisp, Documentary Asks; But Is There Really An Answer? Nov 14, 2014 12:34 PM By Dana Dovey @danadovey [email protected] David Thorpe didn’t purposely choose to have a "gay voice" and wants to know where it came from.

Oct 20, 2014 · Separating the linguistic facts from stereotypes about the gay lisp. Share this on Facebook: Share this on Twitter:

Oct 20, 2014 · Separating the linguistic facts from stereotypes about the gay lisp. Share this on Facebook: Share this on Twitter:

JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA—The notion of a “gay lisp”—an offensive stereotype to many people—has been a confusing phenomenon for linguists. For decades, popular depictions of gay men have

Why Do Gay Men Lisp 111

One feature of the speech is sometimes known as the "gay lisp", Gay men tend to lower the TRAP vowel (except before a nasal consonant) and the DRESS vowel; this was specifically confirmed in a study of North-Central American English speakers.

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While not all gay males speak with the "gay lisp," some studies have found when people listened to audio recordings of male speakers and were asked to identify their sexual orientation, their guesses were accurate at rates greater than chance. Two studies did find that a subset of gay men phonate /s

Lisps are independent of sexuality but when we see a gay man with a lisp it fits a stereotype fostered and reinforced by video entertainment and other societal conveyances just as when we see a straight man with a lisp we associate him with accountants, nerds, or something similar.

Feb 20, 2008 · I notice so many gay men speak in an effiminate tone of voice and lisp alot. I am not trying to sound like an *** here, and I am not a "hater" but as a straight man, this phoenomenon has always vexed me.

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