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Can You Have A Normal Period And Still Be Pregnant

Nov 24, 2007 · As a nurse, i must say that you can have a normal period and still be pregnant because sometimes women will feel that they are having a "normal period" even though it is just spotting. You may just be thinking you are pregnant and such symptoms are happening.

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How can the answer be improved?

Therefore, any bleeding you have during a pregnancy is, by definition, not a period. This is because your regular monthly cycles shut down when you are pregnant. During a pregnancy, higher levels of hormones, first from the corpus luteum in your ovary and then the placenta, turns off the normal menstrual cycle events.

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When a woman is pregnant, she stops having this monthly menstrual period. Although vaginal bleeding is abnormal during pregnancy, up to 10 percent of pregnant women bleed during some portion of the pregnancy and the first trimester is the most common time for the bleeding, according to Medline Plus, a publication of the National Institutes of

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"Twenty Five percent of all pregnant women see some amount of bleeding in the first 12-13 weeks, usually at the time of the missed period, but at other times as well Some of that bleeding may closely resemble a normal period.

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YOU CANNOT have a "period" and be pregnant, period means uterine lining is BREAKING DOWN, which should not happen in a normal preganncy. You can bleed during pregnancy and MISTAKE it for a peirod though! Take a pregnancy test, it would be accurate. Actually you can. My aunt got her period every month up until she was 6 months pregnant.

The differences between menstruation and being pregnant are supposed to be clear-cut: Once you’re pregnant, you don’t get periods anymore. Unfortunately, it isn’t always so obvious.

However, you may be pregnant and have light bleeding at about the time that your period would have been due. This type of bleeding in early pregnancy is surprisingly common. Early bleeding is most likely to be caused by the placenta developing.

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We have been brought up to believe that you are not supposed to have your period while you are pregnant. In fact one of the simplest ways to tell that you are pregnant is by noting the number of missed periods that you have during the early stages of the pregnancy.

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It’s very possible to be pregnant have your period. I had a normal period just before I found out that I was pregnant. My period ended on a Monday. I had symptoms right after it ended. Nausea, dizziness, breast tenderness, headaches, bloating, food cravings. Didn’t think anything of it until 7 days later when I was still feeling nauseated.

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