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Dialect Differences In Russian

Dialect Differences In Russian 3

Jan 13, 2015 · The greatest part of the linguistic area that was then called "Great Russian" and now is called "Russian" or "Russian proper" was occupied either by North Russian dialects (brown) or by a narrow strip of Middle Russian (hatched brown).

Dialect Differences In Russian 21

Jan 13, 2015 · The greatest part of the linguistic area that was then called "Great Russian" and now is called "Russian" or "Russian proper" was occupied either by North Russian dialects (brown) or by a narrow strip of Middle Russian (hatched brown).

Dec 17, 2012 · There are a large number of dialects of the Russian language. So far, you have probably only been exposed to Standard Russian. Standard Russian is the “Moscow dialect” that nearly every student of Russian learns about first.

Sep 09, 2009 · Johanna, I assume that one thing which is different in Russia and Germany is that Russia, especially the former Soviet Union, is such a vast territory in which Russian, or indeed any Slavic language, was just the indigenous language of a relatively small area.

Dialect Differences In Russian 15

The differences between English and Russian. Introduction: Russian is part of the Slavonic branch of the Indo-European language family. It is closely related to other Slav languages such as Polish, Czech and Serbo-Croatian. Russian is spoken as a mother tongue by about 150 million people in Russia and the former republics of the USSR.

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Sep 09, 2009 · Johanna, I assume that one thing which is different in Russia and Germany is that Russia, especially the former Soviet Union, is such a vast territory in which Russian, or indeed any Slavic language, was just the indigenous language of a relatively small area.

Dialect Differences In Russian 2

Understanding the Difference Between Ukrainian and Russian Languages Even though they may sound rather similar, there is a huge difference between Ukrainian and Russian languages. Though for people from Russia someone who speaks Ukrainian sounds rather odd and sometimes funny.

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Dialect Differences In Russian 66

As was mentionesd here, differences in speech in Russia in Chekhov’s time were mostly a matter of social class (for example, the nobility and the intelligentsia spoke a relatively uniform Russian throughout the country, and the language of the peasants had marked regional features).

Russian is a phonetic language, making it easy to figure out spelling from pronunciation and vice versa. As long as you have good fundamentals on the different sounds in the language, this should make memorizing vocabulary just a little easier — absolutely no tricks necessary.

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