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Latex Block Comments

Jul 22, 2017 · TeXstudio – A LaTeX Editor An integrated writing environment for creating LaTeX documents I want TexStudio to add a "comment" command to context menu, so that we can comment ("%") a block of text easily.

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Many LaTeX editors provide functionality to comment/uncomment entire paragraphs of your document. However, what if you are using a basic text editor or prefer not to use a menu button? The comment package solves this by defining the comment environment.

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Comenting on latex is just putting % sign before line (or before portion from where you want to comment). If you are using Texstudio then you can select the lines and press ctrl+t to make the lines as comment together.

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I often have a need to create LaTeX comments that span multiple lines. You can create single line comments in LaTeX using the percent character like this: % this is a comment But I want to be able to create LaTeX comments that go on for multiple lines.

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The main limitation is that when you’re commenting stuff out, you’ve got to watch your quotation marks: if you’ve got one kind inside, you’ll have to use the other kind for the comment; and if you’ve got something like "strings with ‘postrophes" inside that block, then there’s no way this method is …

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The option escapeinside= {A}{B} will define delimiters for escaping into LaTeX code, i.e. all the code between the string "A" and "B" will be parsed as LaTeX over the current listings style.

This is achieved easily enough in LaTeX—I simply insert the quote environment into the paragraph without leaving any blank lines between the quote and the surrounding lines, like this: This is the first sentence of paragraph ONE. \begin{quote} This is a block quote. \end{quote} This is the second sentence of paragraph ONE.

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Apr 19, 2009 · Hi, is there a way to comment out a whole section? I tried to google it but as far I can see latex doesn’t have the feature that programming softwares have, i.e. by using some command, e.g /*, such as /*asdfasdfasdf*/ where everything in between is commented.

Comenting on latex is just putting % sign before line (or before portion from where you want to comment). If you are using Texstudio then you can select the lines and press ctrl+t to make the lines as comment together.

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Apr 19, 2009 · LaTeX specific issues not fitting into one of the other forums of this category. and I need to select some parts of the text and comment it out so I can track the error, but a tool that will comment out a selected text will be useful anyways. in TeXnicCenter you can select a block of text and then use Ctrl+Q to comment it out. The

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