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Pros And Cons For Gay Marriage

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Pros And Cons For Gay Marriage 18

On June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage is a right protected by the US Constitution in all 50 states. Prior to their decision, same-sex marriage was already legal in 37 states and Washington DC, but was banned in the remaining 13.

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Gay marriage is a civil union between two people of the same sex. Some people and religion bodies consider it as taboo while others seem to welcome it. This article gives you insights into the pros and cons of gay marriage.

The Pros and Cons of Gay Marriage LP 3: Argumentative Essay Patty Waters NAU Composition II Sue Cochran, Instructor Sunday, March 24, 2013 Abstract This essay covers the pros and cons concerning gay marriage. You will discover some new laws and amendments that are about to happen in our country, and some things that people are against.

List of Cons of Gay Marriage. 1. It trivializes and weakens the institution of heterosexual marriage. Though this argument is observed to be fading dramatically in recent years, as countries and states have allowed members of the LGBT community to marry without measurable detriments to straight marriage, it is still important to point out.

Gay Marriage – Legal pros and cons list The gay marriage is the name given to the people who marry their partners of their own sex. This is also called as the same sex marriage or the homosexual marriage.

Although the list for each side is exhaustive, here are some gay marriage pros and cons that were at the forefront of the question. Same-Sex Marriage: Con Arguments (those against same-sex marriage) Same-sex marriage undermines the institution of marriage that has traditionally been defined as being between a man and a woman.

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Gay marriage is a topic that has been widely discussed in the recent years. It has been considered taboo for centuries but is rapidly gaining acceptance among the people. There are currently 37 states that have legalized the marriage of gay couples, which is an astonishing feat in just a few years, but the fight is going up the ladder and being

List of Cons of Gay Marriage. 1. Negative Effects on ren Same sex marriages are not always the best environment in which to raise a . While the majority of adults are fully capable of functioning without the utilization of traditional gender roles, a may require the presence of a mother and a man in order to feel comfortable, safe, and loved.

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Marriage, for all of its pros and cons, requires that certain formalities be performed, which may or may not be what you want. Unmarried couples can get together, and break up, without all the formalities (and court hearings) required for married couples.

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Gay Marriage Pros and Cons Marriage is a sacred union of two individuals who love each other, but this statement becomes controversial when it comes to gay marriages. This OpinionFront article discusses the pros and cons pertaining to this issue.

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