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Pros And Cons Of Sex Ed

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Below are links to both sides of the issue — 10 arguments for abstinence as the best form of pregnancy prevention for teens and 10 arguments against abstinence — a total of 20 arguments representing each perspective on the abstinence/sex education debate.

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Pros And Cons Of Sex Ed 6

Effective education programs often explore the advantages and disadvantages of various organizational and structural programs. In this lesson we will explore the pros and cons of co-ed colleges.

Whether sex education in colleges has more pros or cons is a never ending debate. Let’s read arguments for both, pros and cons, in this article and hopefully you’ll be able to take a stand.

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Sex education in colleges is being given increasing importance as it is known to inform students about issues related to sex and sexual health.

Though the idea of abstinence-only sex education seems outdated, it is actually more popular of a teaching ideology than expected. While only two percent of colleges taught abstinence-only in 1988, twenty-three percent of colleges taught abstinence in sex education courses in 2015 (Livni).

Single-sex education (teaching mans and teens in separate classrooms or colleges) is an old approach that’s gaining new momentum. While single-sex education has long existed in many private colleges, it’s a relatively new option for public colleges.

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Pros and Cons of Single-Sex Education. Pro Con; Pro Mixed genders can be a distraction. Con Studies are inconclusive about how helpful separating genders is. Pro Single-sex colleges break down stereotypes. Con Eventually, it could be hard for students to assimilate into "mixed gender" society.

Often, sexual education in colleges is considered as a recreational course rather than a serious issue. Public colleges can teach the many pros and cons of sexual education. Pros of sex education in colleges: 1- Classes are gender-exclusive. This saves embarrassment among students and teach them only what they need to know based on their gender.

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Though the idea of abstinence-only sex education seems outdated, it is actually more popular of a teaching ideology than expected. While only two percent of colleges taught abstinence-only in 1988, twenty-three percent of colleges taught abstinence in sex education courses in 2015 (Livni).

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Effective education programs often explore the advantages and disadvantages of various organizational and structural programs. In this lesson we will explore the pros and cons of co-ed colleges.

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