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The Ten Sex Scene

A great sex scene can be raw and passionate, languid and romantic; it can be tinged with an air of sadness and longing, or even downright hilarious. 10 of the best sex scenes in film | The Independent

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The Graduate‘s Californian pool lingers in the film longer than Sunset Boulevard’s does, providing the backdrop to more than one memorable scene, but perhaps the most pivotal of these is the

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American Pie American Pie can perhaps be credited with reinvigorating the teen sex comedy, and with its slew of scandalous scenes, it’s not hard to see why. In one of the flick’s most bonkers

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The whole chest-waxing scene was completely authentic. It was Steve Carell’s first time being waxed, and every single swear word was a genuine response to the pain.

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The kiss is the pinnacle of any romantic movie. It gains interest through three key questions: will they actually kiss, how will they kiss and when will they kiss? Spanning a variety of genres, the movie kiss is one of the most overloaded and cinematic of moments. It was in fact the subject of one

Sex scenes are notoriously tricky to get right. Make them too steamy and you run the risk of veering into porn territory. Hold back and your leads may end up looking like cold fish. 10 sexy films

It’s hard to pick a worst sex scene or sexy scene in the Fifty Shades franchise — the contract negation, that elevator scene, Anna’s (Dakota Johnson) introduction to the play room, and that

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49 of the Most Insane Movie Sex Scenes �� �� One of the many sex scenes took ten days to shoot. Rent or Buy. the board gave it an NC-17 rating for the sex scene. After at least nine

The 10 Hottest Sex Scenes on TV in 2015. There were orgies, strap-ons, superhero sex, and more.

The sex scene in this film perfectly reflects the black humour of the whole film. Joaquin Phoenix is trying to get over his mad ex-teenfriend, and picks up a waitress whom he takes home for sex.

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