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Why Does Work Suck

After reading the 10 reasons to stay VS. the 10 reasons that I KNOW my jobs sucks, I have to say that MY JOB, MY CO-WORKERS, and MY MANAGER SUCK and I want out.

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Dec 15, 2011 · I currently work in shipping and receiving it’s decent work with decent pay and I don’t hate doing it but I’m still considering going back to college so I can do something that I enjoy even more.

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It’s inevitable. After enough time at any job, you have a day that really sucks. Then, eventually, maybe another. And another. Suddenly the job you loved starts to feel like, well, work. And bad

Why Microsoft Word Really Sucks: It Was Invented In A Paper-Powered World (does the default color scheme really need to be “you got an answer wrong” red?). Work Life Work Life This is

Why The 8 Hour Work Day Will Ruin Your Life. Written by Keith . My beef is with the 8 hour work day and the 40 hour work week. Why? Because they suck. Big time. The 8 hour day is a dinosaur. The idea of a ‘job for life’ or ‘job security’ is an old ass model. It’s a frikkin dinosaur.

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Here are the 10 reasons why your corporate job is going to suck: You will feel as if you’re selling your life away. The constant need to work early mornings into the late hours will deflate you in

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Earlier this week, the United States celebrated Labor Day, that one day a year where we honor the achievements of workers by being lazy. And if this holiday is defined by not working, then sadly every day is Labor Day for a growing number of Americans.

Oct 31, 2013 · The reason why work "sucks" for many people today is because everything we know about work was built on an old way of thinking, which is now starting to dramatically change.

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May 21, 2007 · Why does work suck so bad? Hey, im 24 and really hate work. I just started a new job a week ago and i want to quit already, im working with disabled ren. I know if i stay things will get better im sure..or worse, but i feel like im going through a stage right now where work is the last of my worrys. I need

Sep 25, 2018 · How to Stay Positive when You Know Your Life Sucks. In this Article: Identifying a Possible Cause Decreasing Negativity and Increasing Positivity Seeking Help in Therapy or Medicine Community Q&A A number of situations can arise throughout a lifetime that may cause a person to feel that their life sucks.

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