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Ears Draining To Throat

Cough, Drainage or pus, Ear ache and Sore throat WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms cough, drainage or pus, ear ache and sore throat including Viral pharyngitis, Common cold, and Bronchitis.

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The middle ear can drain, but the eustachian tubes are sooooo tiny, that any fluid would be almost undetectible. The fluid may not be coming from your ear, but this …

How can the answer be improved?

Doctors give trusted, helpful answers on causes, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment, and more: Dr. Grin on ear drainage into throat: Nasal drainage into your throat is the normal pathway nasal mucus takes. You feel this if the volume of mucus is great, like when you have a …

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Continue Learning about Ear, Nose and Throat Ear, Nose and Throat Ear, nose and throat (ENT) problems can impact your life in many ways, affecting your hearing, sleep, breathing, and even your sense of balance.

Aside from ear wax, blood, and clear ear drainage, you may also experience white, yellow, or foul-smelling drainage. These types of ear drainage need to be assessed by a doctor as they may be signs of an active infection. If the drainage is a result of a bacterial infection, antibiotics will be required.

Trust me, you do NOT want to stop your ears from draining into your throat. The middle ear (where the drainage is coming from) is supposed to be, if not a vacuum, at least fluid-free. This allows the bones inside the middle ear to operate correctly — if they did not, you would become hard of hearing, at best.

Workings of the Inner Ear: What Makes It Hurt? Adult eustachian tubes are angled downward from the ear into the back of the throat, allowing for gravity drainage of middle ear fluids and mucus.

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It sounds like post nasal drip as opposed to you feeling musus from you inner ear draining down your throat.not too sure that you’d feel that. If you swollow and …

Let’s take a closer look at why your ears may be draining. Causes for Ear Discharge Swimmer’s Ear. Spending time in “dirty water,” like a river or a lake, can introduce bacteria or fungus to the middle ear space when the ear’s natural barriers don’t protect it. The moisture, combined with bacteria in the ear, can cause infection.

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